East Yorkshire
Sunk Island
Welwick Bank (marine embankment)
Distance (N) from Greenwich
OS map detailsOS Explorer: 292
OS grid refTA 32190.18226
WGS84 lat/long53.643851, -0.001801
Marking date1985, moved 2006
AccessRestricted by tides. Mark no longer present
Greenwich Meridian Marker; England; East Yorkshire; Sunk Island



Currently viewing images from 29 Mar 2005
Click to choose image set
07 Jun 2007
29 Mar 2005
22 Oct 2002

Additional picture credits
Dave Cotton(22 Oct 2002).

Sunk Island, started life as a sandbar that began to form in the River Humber in 1560. By 1660 it was big enough to be flooded only at high tide. During the 19th century the ‘Island’ was drained for farming. Between 1983 and 1985, the embankment fronting the Humber (Welwick Bank) was raised to a height of 3.3 m above mean high water. In late 1984, Lewis & Duvivier, consulting engineers for the project, began making enquiries as to exactly where the Meridian and embankment would intersect so that the Meridian’s position could be marked. Mr Downer, the Regional Manager of the Ordnance Survey, offered to site the marker. It was placed in position in 1985. Its position was subsequently marked on both the Ordnance Survey landranger (1:25,000) and explorer (1:50,000) maps.

In 2006, Welwick Bank was realigned in order to create a new 54 hectare intertidal habitat for wildlife. The first tides breached the old defences on 27 June. The work was carried out by Associated British Ports as compensatory habitat creation for habitats lost to new developments at the ports of Hull and Immingham. The obelisk, complete with original stainless steel plaques was repositioned and realigned on the new embankment. It now stands about 130 metres to the north of its original position. The umbrella in the June 2007 image set marks the position as recorded in March 2005.

Welwick Bank realignment case study